EPR/HFXLEVA Medium Voltage Torsion Resistant Cable


These cables having torsion resistant, good bending and halogen free are specifically designed for the torsion applications in wind turbines, suitable for transmit energy from the generator to the transformer, which is usually located at the base of the tower.


  • IEC 60502


EPR/HFXLEVA Medium Voltage Torsion Resistant Cable
Conductor Stranded tinned copper, class 5/class 6 according to IEC 60228
Insulation EPR

Technical Data

Rated Voltage U0/U(Um) 1.8/3kV
Operating Temperatures -40℃~+125℃
Minimum Bending Radius 6×OD
Torsion Application +/-180°/m
Flame Retardant IEC 60332-3
Halogen Free IEC 60754
Corrosive Gases IEC 60754
Smoke Density IEC 61034
Oil Resistant Yes
Ozone Resistant Yes
UV Resistant Yes
Cold Resistant CSA C 22.2

Dimensions and Weight


Construction Nominal Overall Diameter Nominal Weight
No. of cores×mm^2 mm kg/km
1×25 12.9 516
1×35 14.3 670
1×50 16.5 840
1×70 18.6 1112
1×95 21.6 1520
1×120 23.7 1880
1×150 26.2 2513
1×185 29.9 3272
1×240 32.1 3534
1×300 34.5 4020
1×400 39.3 5640
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